Friday, April 23, 2010


13th Apr: the 2nd time to Vegas Kitchen at new town

Obama in da house!

Root beer float but the ice-cream already dissolved with the root beer!

Lamb chop, 1st time went there and ordered this.

2nd time, Obama burger

11th Apr: went to visit orang asli at Taman Ros, Kampar

kids doing aerobics

9th Apr: went to Herbal Line for facial+massage+fish spa with my honey~ since both of us so relaxing, money also flowing out rapidly~

honey doesn't feel itchy anymore~

This was the 1st time when she felt very itchy at Sentosa, Singapore

my feet lar


  1. darling,i dont know what can i say when i saw this blog... haha

  2. wat u wana say? nvm, i und ur feelings~
